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Seven of Wands

हिंदी के लिए कृपया यहाँ क्लिक करें
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The Upright Readings

stiff competition, victory, courage, energy, Challenge, competition, protection, perseverance

This is the card of Ajanubahu; there is fierce competition, victory, courage, and energy. You will be challenged. There will be competition. Let the final victory be yours. Keep moving firmly with safety no one have the power to stop you. You can be as invincible as Ajanubahu.

The Reverse Readings

advantage, patience, indecision, Exhaustion, giving up, overwhelmed

You will get the benefit of many things from your talent. Infinite patience will be tested, but do not stop with indecision. No matter how tired you feel. You also know that it is not in your nature to give up. Very soon there will be moments of being overwhelmed. Wait a few moments and move forward again.

Seven of The Wand

European Tarot card study points:

A young man in parrot green clothes is trying to defeat attackers with one wand. He is standing on a green ground.

Ancient Indian Tarot card study points:

A stout man is fighting against some unknown forces, in the background, a cyclone is moving in his direction.

He is Ajanubahu. It means the fighter whose hands can touch his knees. Ajanubahu was commander in chief of King Bahubali. He was in action after Bahubali left the kingdom for his spiritual path.

Ajanubahu never declared himself as a king. He was always loyal to his position as a commander in chief. He had many foes inside the kingdom. He was a courageous fighter, used to fight with anyone without any weapons. He believed in nonviolence. He used to give three warnings to his enemies before taking out the sword.

Until and unless it is unavoidable, He is one of the forgotten heroes of Indian soil. He was great thinker also. He expressed seven types of anger.

1. assertive
2. chronic
3. judgmental
4. aggressive
5. Verbal
6. self-abusive
7. patriotic
He fights with all waves of anger using patriotic anger as a tool.